Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Imaginary

On Longing

" The minature world denys the moment of death by imposing the status of an eternal death" -Susan Stewart

We create tiny villages incased in glass, mounted under water - precious and untouchable. This reduction in size, these minute physical dimentions, correspond to an increase of significance. Just as Swift displayed in Gulliver, a longing to enter a society no larger than his own finger, the minature represents perfection, tiny and complex, it is a source of longing -a fostered yearing that begins in childhood as play and grows into adulthood as a surrogate that allows for imaginative occupation.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Yoshihiro Suda

Bill Burns

How to Help Animals Escape from Natural History: 1995-98

Janet Cardiff

Muriel Lake Incident: 1999, This work encompasses the miniature world, the narrative and the public and private experience. The viewer enters upon a time warp, a stylistically film noir projection plays to stereotypical Midwestern soundtrack, the viewer overhears a conversation behind them, uncannily similar to the image playing in front. Cardiff plays on the notion of memory and fantasy, the sparse theatre shines from the glow of the tiny film, the viewer enters a space of non being in which they exist.

To feel as a particle of dust.

The void called subject-
the sentiment of the Sublime.

Ziziek considers the Kantian sublime.... as not beautiful, but chaotic, formless. The sublime is dynamical in apposed to beauty or the beautiful, in which someone is to feel "as tiny as a particle of dust" then to feel as dust..... I am considering that link of the sublime, once thought as the enormous to compair to the miniature. To feel small, to enter a space that is choatic, seemingly formless in its imaginary sense of being.

The gaze - to look and to think.... I think. I am considering the notion of the out of joint, the thought of " the individual who controlls the strings behind the experience"..... I want to try to relate this thought to puppets, the marinette, the one who does not think, yet is viewed and experiences what the creator invisions.

The puppet then relates to the theatrical. I am considering Bakhtin's carnival and the notion of the other.... The minature world as other.